Radioisotope Age, Part I
Various examples adequately establish that a radioisotope age does not necessarily have a real-time significance. A relationship of a radioisotope age with real-time must be based on an interpretation.
Various examples adequately establish that a radioisotope age does not necessarily have a real-time significance. A relationship of a radioisotope age with real-time must be based on an interpretation.
A collection of short commentaries on scientific papers published in 1996, covering topics such as Homo erectus, the Permian mass extinction, mutations in Chernobyl rodents, dropstones, yeast genome, Heart Mt detachment, carbonate cycles, eye development gene, RNA World, Archaeopteryx, Cambrian chordate, turtles, stromatolites, and pseudogenes. Published in Origins v. 23, n. 1.
Study of the Bridgewater "Fossil Forest" of Victoria, Australia shows calcification of plants of two distinct appearances. One group is more superficial and consists of branching structures that appear to have grown in place. At a lower level is a series of layers of larger, hollow stump-like structures for which a suitable explanation is not known. Published in Origins v. 23, n. 1.
A review of the book, Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe. Published in Origins v. 21, n. 2.
Ancient fossil reefs are considered to be a challenge to the biblical concept of creation. But do these fossil reefs really negate the biblical account of beginnings? Published in Origins v. 21, n. 2.
Statistical analysis of the various dendrochronology master sequences that were published prior to 1985 indicates that the master sequence developed by Ferguson has unique auto-correlation features, and that its use is definitely questionable. Published in Origins v. 22, n. 1.
The relationship of carbon-14 dates with biblical chronology is improved by recognizing that c-14 concentrations have not yet reached equilibrium between the upper biosphere and the deep ocean. Published in Origins v. 21, n. 2.
The catastrophic burial of plant debris and its subsequent change to coal is not accepted by most coal geologists. However, the dominant "peat bog" theory presents problems that have remained unanswered for more than a hundred years. A Flood model for the formation of coal answers some of these problems and provides a scientifically reasonable explanation for the origin of the vast quantities of coal that exist worldwide.
A review of the book, New Concepts in Plate Tectonics. The theogy of plate tectonics is questioned on geological grounds. Published in Origins v. 21, n. 1.
The fact that animals need plants poses a problem for the evolutionary model, since the record of past life sometimes reveals non-viable ecosystems. Published in Origins v. 21, n. 1.
The oceanic patterns of magnetic anomalies are thought to be one significant evidence supporting the general notions of plate tectonics. Arguments are presented suggesting that important characteristics of the anomaly patterns could be due to the measurement process itself rather than being a direct reflection of geomagnetic reversals and plate movement. Published in Origins v. 20, n. 1.
A review of the book, Moondust and the Age of the Solar System. Published in Origins v. 20, n. 1.
A collection of short commentaries on scientific papers published in 1991, covering topics such as Permian trees, molecular genetics, epigenetics, inheritance of paternal mtDNA, water and formation of petroleum, water in mantle rocks, impacts, Ordovician volcanism, molecular phylogenies of ratites, termites, cichlids and sabertooths, osteocalcin in dinosaur bones, fossil flowers, origin of life, Precambrian predation, stromatolites, Cambrian Explosion, quality of fossil record, rapid speciation, tree biogeography, Miocene ape, fossil dermopteran, Asian marsupial, dinosaurs, mammal-like reptile. Published in Origins v. 19, n. 2.
A review of the book, The Age of the Earth. Presents the standard interpretation of radioisotope data. Published in Origins v. 19, n. 2.
The pipes and dikes in Kodachrome Basin have come from the sedimentary layers below, and raise interesting questions regarding the amount of time involved in their formation. Published in Origins v. 19, n. 1.
Dates calculated from radiocarbon and amino acid racemization show conflict. Analysis of the discrepancies and use of a radiocarbon conversion published earlier, some inferences are drawn regarding the cooling of the earth after the biblical flood. Published in Origins v. 18, n. 2.
Biomolecules decompose rapidly enough they are not expected to last for millions of years. Discovery of biomolecules in fossils is difficult to reconcile with the purported ages of these fossils, and suggests the ages are much younger, as expected in a biblical worldview. Published in Origins v. 18, n. 2.
The unnatural mixture and the rapid stratigraphic shifts of fauna seem to require catastrophic water transport into the area. The large geographic extent precludes a local event. Creationists suggest that a world-wide flood could produce results as seen in the Santana Formation and is a better explanatory model.
Assumptions may eventually become so widely accepted they are no longer recognized as assumptions but take the status of truth. Two examples that relate to origins are assumptions of abiogeneis and long ages. These points should not be assumed but tested if one wants to discover truth. Published in Origins v. 18, n. 1.
This is an attempt to develop a methedology for converting carbon-14 ages into real time in a biblical context that fixes the date of the global flood at about 5,000 years ago. A table is provided of sample converted ages. Published in Origins v. 17, n. 2.