11060 Campus Street • Loma Linda, California 92350 • 909-558-4548
- Bible study sites where resources for in-depth Bible study can be found
- Bible Hub (Biblos)
- Bible Gateway
- Biblical Research Institute
- The Adventist Theological Academy, of special interest their collection of papers on creation.
- Resources provided by the North American Division Department of Education
- Origins Curriculum Resources, provided by Southern Adventist University
- College and University Dialogue, a magazine for university students and young professionals, available in a variety of languages
- Christ in the Classroom, a collection of papers, focusing on the integration of faith and learning from the biblical worldview, prepared by Christian scholars
- Earth History Research Center
- Sciences and Scriptures, a website with numerous resources produced and curated by former GRI Director Dr. Ariel Roth
- Creation Evolution Headlines, a collection of science news commentaries from a perspective critical of materialistic and evolutionary assumptions
- Creation Ministries International, of special interest
- Answers in Genesis, of special interest
- Creation Museums
- The John 10:10 Project: This website features a collection of short videos, often featuring aspects of nature, designed to encourage in the journey of faith.
- National Geologic Map Database (USGS): Site where topographic and geologic maps of the US can be found and often downloaded for free.
- NASA: Site where images of Earth and space, including features of geologic interest, can be found and often downloaded for free
- National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
- Earth Science Week: An initiative by the American Geosciences Institute to help the public gain a better understanding and appreciation for the Earth sciences and to encourage stewardship of the Earth. Includes a collection of earth science-related classroom activities indexed by grade level.
- Smithsonian Open Access: A searchable collection of over 2 million images, many of great quality, made available in the public domain
- Cell & Molecular Biology Online
- New York University, Library of 3-D Molecular structures