Study in the John Day Country
A meeting of the Bible-Science Subcommittee was held at Prineville, Oregon, where papers were read and discussed. Published in Origins v. 3, n. 1.
A meeting of the Bible-Science Subcommittee was held at Prineville, Oregon, where papers were read and discussed. Published in Origins v. 3, n. 1.
The courts have struck down a law passed by the state of Tennessee requiring that creation be taught when evolution is taught. Published in Origins v. 2, n. 2.
The state of California has voted to place creation in the social studies class, but no book has been approved with creation in it. Published in Origins v. 2, n. 2.
The various lines of argumentation which have been presented in recent years by those who have been promoting the teaching of either the general theory of evolution or creation in public schools reveal some significant inconsistencies. Published in Origins v. 2, n. 1.
A survey of citizens in the Cupertino Union School District, California, showed that a strong majority favored inclusion of creation in the curriculum. Officials ruled against including the origin of life in science classes, but there is some possibility of including it in courses on social studies. Published in Origins v. 2, n. 1.
News and comments
The second Creation Convention was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 18-21, 1974. Published in Origins v. 2, n. 1.
In our efforts to aid honest people in gaining confidence in revelation, the one thing that will make the difference is a demonstration that in the practical world of research, flood geology works! Published in Origins v. 1, n. 2.
Ten fellowships have been awarded for research into various questions of interest to the Geoscience Reseach Institute. Published in Origins v. 1, n. 2.
The state of Tennessee had a law banning teaching of origins that denied the biblical story of creation. This law was repealed by the state legislature in about 1967, but was soon replaced with another bill requiring equal time for creation. This bill still awaits final action. Published in Origins v. 1, n. 2.
A survey of citizens in Del Norte County, California revealed that a strong majority favor inclusion of creation in the public school curriculum. Published in Origins v. 1, n. 2.
Origins is a new journal, aimed primarily at the Seventh-day Adventist educator, with the goal of rightly representing the Creator and His relationship to the created world. Published in Origins v. 1., n. 1.
A general theory of creation is proposed, consisting of ten postulates derived from divine revelation and informed by observations of the created world. Published in Origins v. 1, n. 1.
The use of the scientific method in the context of the philosophical system of christianism has advantages over its use in empiricism. The unity of truth makes the position of the scientific method within a system which encompasses all truth the more reasonable and reliable alternative. Published in Origins v. 1, n. 1.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Original pagination for this article was p 29-34.
The teaching of creation in science classrooms has become a hot political issue in California, involving the California Department of Education, the National Association of Biology Teachers, the National Academy of Sciences, and the creationist community. Published in Origins v. 1, n. 1.
The first large, public creationist convention ever held in the United States convened in the Holiday Inn Central in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 10-13, 1972. The object of this gathering was to strengthen belief in the Genesis account of creation through scientific disciplines. Published in Origins v. 1, n. 1.
The Bible-Science Subcommittee of the Biblical Research Committee of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists met a year ago to begin the development of an adequate flood model. Such a model proposes to correlate the Biblical description of the flood with geological and paleontological evidence. Published in Origins v. 1, n. 1.
A review of the book, The Missing Link (The Emergence of Man Series, Vol II). Australopithecines are presented as the evolutionary link between fossil apes and humans. Published in Origins v. 1, n. 1.
An article by Ellen G. White published in Signs of the Times