Tim Standish

PhD, Environmental Biology and Public Policy


BS - Zoology, Andrews University

MS – Biology, Andrews University

PhD – Environmental Biology and Public Policy, George Mason University

Blog Posts

Standish TG. 2020. “How Many Brains Do We Have?” GRI Blog, posted December 21, 2020. 

Standish TG. 2020. “Review–The Riot and the Dance: Water” GRI Blog, posted February 19, 2020. 

Standish TG. 2018. “Is There Biological Evidence of Life's Recent Creation?” GRI Blog, posted August 14, 2018. 

Standish TG. 2018. “DNA and Design” GRI Blog, posted March 18, 2018. 

Standish TG, 2017. “The Bible, The Creation and The Reformation” GRI Blog, posted October 23, 2017. 

Standish TG, 2017. “A Review of the Documentary Film “Is Genesis History?” GRI Blog, posted on February 17, 2017.

Standish TG, 2016. “What Is Biology?" Part 4 of 4 GRI Blog, posted on January 25, 2016.

Standish TG, 2016. “What Is Biology?" Part 3 of 4 GRI Blog, posted on January 14, 2016.

Standish TG, 2015. “What Is Biology?" Part 2 of 4 GRI Blog, posted on December 21, 2015.

Standish TG, 2015. “What Is Biology?" Part 1 of 4 GRI Blog, posted on

Standish TG, 2015. “Red in Tooth and Claw" GRI Blog, posted on

Standish TG, 2014. “Lazarus Species" GRI Blog, posted on

Standish TG, 2014. “Where Did Life Come From?" GRI Blog, posted on January

Standish TG, 2013. “Christianity and the Beginning of Science" GRI Blog, posted on

Standish TG, 2012. “Design in Nature" GRI Blog, posted on

Media Productions

Associate Producer:


  • Thinking Creation:

o The Great Debate

o The Christian Roots of Science

o The Design of Life

o The Richly Diverse Creation

o God and Nature

o God and the Big Bang


  • Seeking Understanding :

o Leonard Brand

o Martin Klingbiel

o Art Chadwick

o Michael Hasel

o Elaine Graham Kennedy

o John Walton

o David Pennington

o Isabel de Moraes

o Randall Younker

o Ariel Roth

o Harold Coffin


Standish TG. 2021. How Adventists became Creationists. Adventist Review. 30 April, p https://adventistreview.org/magazine-article/2105-36/

Standish TG. 2021. Darwinism: What about the science? Signs of the Times (USA). September, p 56-61. https://www.signstimes.com/?p=article&a=40116484681.833

Standish TG. 2021. Creation Sabbath. Adventist Review. October 6, p https://adventistreview.org/magazine-article/1524-50/

Standish TG. 2021. Endless Beauty. Days of Creation. Hart Research Center, Fallbrook, California. P 42-44.

Standish TG. 2020. Us and Us. Adventist World. October 16(10):22-23. https://www.adventistworld.org/us-and-us/

Durán N, Quintanilla M. (Story); Torquemada A, Ara E, Aguerri P, Ballestero R (Design); Standish TG (Ed). 2020. Creation Detectives: The Flooded Desert. https://grisda.org/creation-detectives-flooded-desert available in multiple languages.

Standish TG (Ed). 2020. By Design Biology: The scientific study of life. Kendal Hunt Publishing Company: Dubuque. https://science.adventisteducation.org/textbooks/biology/

Standish TG. 2020. “Foundations of Biology,” Chapter 1 pages 4-27 in By Design Biology: The scientific study of life. Kendal Hunt Publishing Company: Dubuque.

Standish TG. 2020. “Biology Connections,” Chapter 2 pages 28-51 in By Design Biology: The scientific study of life. Kendal Hunt Publishing Company: Dubuque.

Standish TG. 2020. “Mendelian and Population Genetics,” Chapter 11 pages 256-277 in By Design Biology: The scientific study of life. Kendal Hunt Publishing Company: Dubuque.

Standish TG. 2020. “The Fossil Record,” Chapter 20 pages 478-503 in By Design Biology: The scientific study of life. Kendal Hunt Publishing Company: Dubuque.

Standish TG. 2020. “The Beginning and the End,” Chapter 27 pages 648-661 in By Design Biology: The scientific study of life. Kendal Hunt Publishing Company: Dubuque.

Standish TG. 2019. https://www.adventistworld.org/research-on-dinosaurs-expands-adventist-influence-in-unentered-area/

Standish TG. 2019. https://www.adventistreview.org/god-genocide-and-hospitality

Standish TG. 2019. Joseph’s crisis pregnancy. Adventist Review. December 196(12):56-58. https://www.adventistreview.org/1912-56

Standish TG. 2019. How old is life? Biological evidence. Signs of the Times (Australia). February 132(2). https://signsofthetimes.org.au/2019/02/how-old-is-life-the-biological-evidence/

Standish TG. 2018. Interview-Isabel de Moraes. Dialogue. https://dialogue.adventist.org/2968/isabel-de-moraes-a-dialogue-with-an-adventist-biochemist-specializing-in-membrane-protein-research

Standish TG. 2017. Smart genes and life. Signs of the Times (USA). November, p 11-15.

Standish TG. 2016. Probiotics. Signs of the Times (Australia). January-February 131(1-2):32-36.

Standish TG. 2016. The cooperation in nature. Signs of the Times (USA). February.

Standish TG. 2015. Creation Sabbath. Adventist Review. October 7, 2015, 124(24):50.

Duran N, Dunbar SG, Escobar III RA, Standish TG. 2015. High frequency of multiple paternity in a solitary population of olive ridley sea turtles in Honduras. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 463:63-71.

Standish TG. 2014. The pope does it again… or does he? Adventist Review. Web published October 30, 2014. http://www.adventistreview.org/church-news/the-pop...

Standish TG. 2014. The pope does it again… or does he? Record. Web published October 31, 2014. http://record.net.au/items/the-pope-does-it-again-...

Standish TG. 2014. Genomes: What they tell us about life, science, and God. Chapter 2 in Biology: A Seventh-day Adventist Approach for Students and Teachers. Goodwin HT Ed. Andrews University Press, Berrien Springs, Michigan. p 21-42.

Standish TG. 2014. Erstaunlich und wunderbar gemacht. Info Vero. 6:28-39.

Standish TG. 2013. Principles of True Science, or Creation in the Light of Revelation. Summary article in The Ellen G. White Encyclopedia. Fortin D and Moon J Eds. Review and Herald Publishing Association, Hagerstown, Maryland. p 1053.

Standish TG. 2013. Book review. Meyer, Stephen C. 2013. Darwin’s Doubt: The explosive origin of animal life and the case for intelligent design. Harper One: New York. 540 pages. Journal of Asia Adventist Seminary 16(2):218-221.

Campbell MW, Standish TG. 2013. Amalgamation. In The Ellen G. White Encyclopedia. Fortin D and Moon J Eds. Review and Herald Publishing Association, Hagerstown, Maryland. pp 590-594.

Standish TG. 2013. ADN Encotrado en huesos de dinosaurio. Ciencia de los Orígenes 84:6,7.

Standish TG. 2013. El vuelo de las aves. ¿Adquirido o Diseñado? Ciencia de los Orígenes 85:4-7.

Standish TG. 2013. How Can the Political Process Foster Environmental Care? Chapter 19, pp 215-223 in: Entrusted: Christians and Environmental Care. Dunbar S, Gibson LJ, Rasi HM Eds. Adventus International University Publishers.

Standish TG. 2013. The Lazarus Effect. Australian Union Record. 30 July 2013. http://record.net.au/items/the-lazarus-effect

Standish TG. 2013. Ein liebevoller Christ ist das beste Argument. Adventisten Heute. April 2013:6,13,14. http://www.advent-verlag.de/cms/cms/upload/adventistenheute/AH-2013-04/AH-2013-04.pdf

Standish TG. 2012. ¿Cuáles son las evidencias de la existencia de un Creador? Chapter 5 pp 73-87 in Fe y Ciencia: 20 investigardores cristianos responden a preguntas basicas sobre el universe y la vida. L. James Gibson and Humberto M. Rasi Eds. Adventus Editorial Universitaria Iberoamericana.

Standish TG. 2012. Intelligent Design: Evidence from molecular biology. Chapter 11 pp 156-170 in In the Beginning: Science and Scripture Confirm Creation. Bryan W. Ball Ed. Pacific Press Publishing Association, Nampa, Idaho.

Standish TG. 2012. ¿Genes inteligentes o creación divina? El Centinela, June 2012:14-16.

Standish TG. 2012. Smart Genes: Did God Create Life? Signs of the Times (USA). March 2012:32-36.

Standish TG. 2011. What is the Evidence for a Creator? Chapter 5 pp 57-68 in Understanding Creation: Answers to Questions on Faith and Science. L. James Gibson and Humberto M. Rasi Eds. Pacific Press Publishing Association, Nampa, Idaho.

Standish TG. 2010. An Adventist Approach to Sciences. Christ in the Classroom 37-A:487-499.

Standish TG. 2010. Teaching Biological Sciences at an Adventist Educational Institution. Christ in the Classroom 37-A:501-514.

Standish TG. 2010. An Adventist Scientist Looks at Origins and Catastrophism. Christ in the Classroom 37-A:515-528.

Standish TG. 2009. Triumful lui Darwin – de ce? Semnele Timpului Septembrie 20(138):28-33.

Standish TG. 2009. Darwinism: The science and the faith. Endtime Issues 225:1-7.

Standish TG. 2009. Designer Genes: Did God create life? Health and Home 50(5):16-18.

Standish TG. 2009. Darwinism: What about the science? Signs of the Times (USA) November 2009:32-37.

Standish TG, Wahlen C. 2009. Worthwhile reading in the creation-evolution debate. Reflections – The BRI Newsletter 28:15-17.

Standish TG. 2009. Why Darwin’s triumph? Signs of the Times (USA) June 2009:15-19.

Standish TG. 2009. Why Darwin’s triumph? Signs of the Times (Australia) 124(5):32-36.

Standish TG. 2009. Genomes, Genes and Junk DNA. Reflections – The BRI Newsletter 25:4-7.

Standish TG. 2008. Genomas, Genes y ADN Basura. Ciencia de los Orígenes 75:14-16.

Gibson LJ, Standish TG. 2008. Annotations from the Literature. Origins 63:34-40.

Standish TG. 2008. Son of Panda. Book Review: Dembski WA, Wells J. 2008. The Design of Life: Discovering signs of intelligence in biological systems. The Foundation for Thought and Ethics, Dallas, Texas. 401 pages. Origins 63:43-45.

Standish TG. 2008. Design in nature: Millennia of arguments. Dialogue 20(2):7-10.

Standish TG. 2008.The Battle over origins. Chapter 11 in Reinach C, Reinach AJ Eds. Politics and Prophecy: The batter for religious liberty and the authentic gospel. Pacific Press, Napa, Idaho. PP 167-177.

Standish TG. 2008. One long argument. Origins 62:3-5.

Standish TG. 2008. Over the edge. Book review: Behe MJ. The Edge of Evolution: The search for the limits of Darwinism. Free Press. 336 pages. Origins :62:35-38.

Standish TG. 2008. The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Fourth Commandment and Deuteronomy 5. Origins 62:39-41.

Gibson LJ, Javor GT, Nalin R, Standish TG. 2008. Annotations from the Literature. Origins 62:26-32.

Standish TG. 2007. Genomes and design. Origins 60:61-64.

Zuill HA, Standish TG. 2007. Irreducible Interdependence: An IC-like ecological property potentially illustrated by the nitrogen cycle. Origins 60:6-40.

Standish TG. 2007. Darwinian Apologetics: Big Questions, Inadequate Answers. Reflections – The BRI Newsletter 19:2-5.

Standish TG. 2007. Book Review: Brand L. 2006. Beginnings: Are Science and Scripture Partners in the Search for Origins? Pacific Press Publishing Association, Nampa, ID, 176 pages. Collage and University Dialogue 18(3):30.

Standish TG. 2007. ¿Son los chimpancés y los humanos idénticos en un 99,4 %? Ciencia de los Orígenes.73:1-5.

Standish TG. 2007. Un delfín mutante prueba que la evolucíon es verdad . . . O quizá no. Ciencia de los Orígenes. 72:7,8.

Standish TG. 2007. Using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) To Find And Analyze Naturally Engineered Genome Divergence Between Cryptic Species. Plant and Animal Genome XV. p 140.

Standish TG. 2006. Tiktaalic: ¿Otro “Eslabón Perdido”? Ciencia de los Orígenes. 71:5.

Standish TG. 2006. Four-finned dolphin evidence of evolution? Adventist Review, Dec. 14, p 19.

Standish TG. 2006. Détecter un dessein dans la nature (1ère partie). Science & Origines 11 1er semestre:1-4.

Standish TG. 2006. Détecter un dessein dans la nature (2e partie). Science & Origines 12 2e semestre:1-4.

Standish TG. 2006. Science or Religion. Liberty 101(3):3-6, 27.

Standish TG. 2006. A life that changed the world. Adventist Review, March 23, p 20.

Standish TG. 2006. Cutting Both Ways: The challenge posed by Intelligent Design to traditional Christian education. Chapter 7, PP 117-132 in Darwin’s Nemesis: Philip Johnson and the Intelligent Design Movement. Dembski WA Ed. IVP Academic, Downers Grove, Illinois. 357 pages.

Standish TG. 2006. What about the scientific reliability of the Bible? PP 311-315 in Ashton JF, Westacott MJ Eds. The Big Argument: Does God Exist? Master Books, Green Forest, Arkansas. 393 pages.

Standish TG. 2006. The question of torture. Adventist Review, Jan. 26, p 20.

Standish TG. 2006. Tiktaalik: Another “Missing Link?” Reflections: The BRI Newsletter 16:3-4.

Standish TG, 2006. Book Notes: Review of George Javor. Evidences for Creation: Natural Mysteries Evolution Cannot Explain. Hagerstown, MD. Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2005. 141 pp. Reflections: A BRI Newsletter 13:8-9.

Standish TG. 2005. Kansas debates the teaching of Darwinism. Adventist Review, Aug. 11, p 20.

Standish TG. 2005. Anthony Flew and the evidence of God. Adventist Review, Jan. 30, p 20.

Standish TG. 2005. What about the Bible’s scientific reliability? PP 368-373 in Westacott MJ, Ashton JF Eds. The Big Argument: Twenty-four scholars explore why science, archaeology and philosophy haven’t disproved God. Strand Publishing, Sydney. 518 pages.

Standish TG. 2005. Seeing reality in light of creation. Manhattan SDA Newsletter 1(4):8-10.

Standish TG. 2005. ELÄMÄ: Taidokkaasti sävelletty sinfonia. Nykyaika, August 2005 pp 8-11.

Standish TG. 2005. A new molecular tool for investigation of inter and intra baramin variation. A Grander View of Life: Proceedings of the Fourth BSG Conference. Occasional Papers of the Baraminology Study Group 5:16.

Standish TG. 2005. How to write an unpublishable paper. Origins 58:3-6.

Standish TG. 2005. Conflating Answers: To and from design questions. Origins 57:3-6.

Standish TG. 2005. Darwin and the ID. Liberty 100(2).

Standish TG. 2005. Rubisco: No longer burdened with evolutionary Baggage. Geoscience Reports 39:1-2.

Standish TG. 2005. GRI 2004 Field Conference for Teachers. Geoscience Reports 39:5-7.

Standish TG. 2004. Detecting Design in Nature. Origins 56:60-72.

Standish TG. 2004. Rubisco: Ya no Está Cargado con Bagaje Evolutivo. Ciencia de los Orígenes. 68:11-12.

Standish TG. 2004. Book Review: O’Leary D. By Design or By Chance. Castle Quay Books Kitchener, Ontario. Ministry (December):30.

Standish TG. 2004. Was Darwin Wrong? Adventist Review (December 16):20.

Standish TG. 2004. Confessions of a Trueborn Liberal. Adventist Today. 11(5):19.

Standish TG. 2004. Fossil Birds. Geoscience Reports. 37:1-5.

Standish TG. 2004. Integrating faith and learning in the biology classroom. Christ in the Classroom 31-A:445-454.

Standish TG. 2004. Book Review: Giberson, Karl W. and Yerxa, Donald A. 2002. Species of Origins: America’s Search for a Creation Story. Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Inc., Lanham, MD, 277 pages. Andrews University Seminary Studies 42(1):240-242.

Standish TG. 2004. Aves fósiles. Ciencia de los Orígenes. 67:1-5.

Standish TG. 2004. Designer Genes: Did God create life? Signs of the Times. January pp 8,9,12.

Standish TG. 2003. Changing the World with ID? Ministry November, 26, 27.

Standish TG. 2003. May the fittest theories survive. The Harvard Crimson April 7, 2003.

Standish TG. 2003. Book Review: Davis, Jimmy H. and Poe, Harry L. 2002. Designer Universe: Intelligent Design and the Existence of God. Broadman and Holman, Nashville, TN. 252 pages. Andrews University Seminary Studies 41(2):303-305.

Standish TG. 2003. "Teaching Evolution: Proven Fact or Unproven Theory?” Last Generation 14(2):7-9.

Standish TG. 2003. Something new in Cretaceous skies. Adventist Review NAD edition March 2003 p 44.

Standish TG. 2003. The Right Tools for the Right Job. Ministry June, pp 5-7.

Standish TG. 2003. Detectando diseño en la naturaleza. Theologika 43(1):276-299.

Standish TG. 2003. Something new in Cretaceous skies. Goescience Reports 35:4-5.

Standish TG. 2003. Bits and Particles: Information and machines sufficient to infer an Intelligent Designer. Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 14(1) (Spring):44-73.

Standish TG. 2003. Flying Serpents and Four-winged Dinosaurs. Reflections: A BRI Newsletter No. 2 April, 2003. p 1, 2.

Standish TG. 2003. Signaling Victory. Adventist Review February 20 p 22.

Standish TG. 2002. Intelligent Design and the Thinking Christian. Adventist Today 10(4):16.

Standish T. G. 2002. Rushing to Judgment: Functionality in Non-Coding or Junk DNA. Origins 53:7-30.

Standish T. G. 2001. Science Education or Science Fiction? Geoscience Reports. Fall 2001 (32):1-3.

Standish T. G. 2001. Getting Rid of God. Last Generation 11(3):18-20.

Standish T. G. 2002. Book Review: Hayward, James L. Ed. Creation Reconsidered: Scientific, Biblical, and Theological Perspectives. Andrews University Seminary Studies 40(1):148-150.

Standish T. G. 2000. Book Review: Baldwin, John T. Ed. Creation, Catastrophe, and Calvary: Why a Global Flood Is Vital to the Doctrine of Atonement. Andrews University Seminary Studies 38:310-313.

Standish T. G. 2000. Book Review: Ralston, Holmes, III Genes Genesis and God: Values and Their Origins in Natural and Human History. Andrews University Seminary Studies 38:178-180.

Standish T. G. 2000. Book Review: Dembski, William A. Ed. Mere Creation: Science, Faith and Intelligent Design. Andrews University Seminary Studies 38:147-149.

Standish T. G. 1999. Book Review: Roth, Ariel A. Origins: Linking Science and Scripture. Ministry 72(9):31.

Standish T. G. 1999. Book Review: Roth, Ariel A. Origins: Linking Science and Scripture. Andrews University Seminary Studies 37:148, 149.

Standish T. G. 1999. In Six Days: Why 50 Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation. John F. Ashton (Editor) New Holland Publishers, Sydney, 1999.

Stout, J., V. Hayes, P. Coburn, J. Hao, T. Standish C. Heinrich, and G. Atkins. 1998. Correlation of Nicotinic Receptor-like mRNA Expression with Excitatory Input into the Behaviorally Important L1 and L3 Auditory Interneurons of the Domestic Cricket. Journal of Experimental Zoology 281:109-123

Standish T. G. 1997. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD): A useful tool for species identification in the nematode genus Caenorhabditis. Proceedings of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 117.

Standish T. G. and C. A. Heinrich. 1996. An invert repeat in the coding strand of the Acheta domesticus -L1-nicotinic receptor gene. Proceedings of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 116, pp 26-27.

Standish T. G. 1994. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) as a tool for systematic analysis of the nematode genus Caenorhabditis. Dissertation, George Mason University.