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Biblical Approaches to Biology

The integration of Bible and science is an uphill work that requires careful reading of both the Bible and of scientific data. Because no other natural science has traveled so great a distance down an anti-biblical road, no other science requires this corrective procedure more than biology.

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A Biblical Theology of the Flood

The question of the extent of the Genesis flood is not just a matter of idle curiosity with little at stake for Christian faith. For those who see the days of creation in Genesis 1 as six, literal 24 hour days , a universal Flood is an absolute necessity to explain the existence of the geological column. A literal creation week is inextricably linked with a world-wide flood.

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A Biblical Theology of Creation

A biblical theology of Creation is summarized in the four basics of reality contained in Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning," "God," "created," and "the heavens and the earth."

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A Biblical-Christian Approach to Teaching Philosophy of Science: A Proposal

How can a teacher present Christian values to students. Can a Philosophy of Science teacher reveal Christ in an enviromnent of academic pressure, secularism, and an indifference to the Christian worldview?

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What Size is Your God?

We should be cautious in seeking, from our human perspective, to place a limit on the person and power of God. We cannot measure or understand God from the standpoint of our inadequacy. Nor can we appreciate fully the role of God in this earth and its history from the limited perspective of our intelligence.

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Science and Theology: Focusing the Complementary Lights of Jesus, Scripture, and Nature

The purpose of this study is to explore the complex relations between science and theology and to suggest a viable solution to this group of problems.

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Chance or Design? The Long Search for an Evolutionary Mechanism

There has been a long and arduous search for a plausible evolutionary mechanism that would produce complex organized life. We shall look briefly at the past two centuries of this search.

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The Earth of Genesis 1:2: Abiotic or Chaotic? Part 3

This analysis of the Heb of Gen 1:2 has sought to find answers to difficult questions. Does Gen 1:2 describe a watery chaos that existed before the Creation? Is there a direct relationship between Gen 1:2 and the mythology called Chaoskampf?

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The Bible and the Philosophy of Science

The purpose of this paper is to identify and assess five elements of a Christian philosophy of science implied in the verse "worship Him who made the heaven and the earth, and sea, and the springs of waters" (Rev 14:7) which is so central to mainline Seventh-day Adventist theology.

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The Bible and Science

In this essay we will seek to find a balanced, practical approach to the relationship between science and God's Word.

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The Bible and Biology

If the stranglehold of naturalism can be weakened enough for open discussion of the philosophical issues, the resulting open-minded discussion of design vs. chance will be very beneficial to science. There is a great need of this openness in science. Science should be an open-ended search for truth, rather than a closed system that will not consider certain ideas.

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The Bible and Paleontology

How can we accommodate the paleontological record with Scripture? If our approach to science is as it should be, we can acknowledge that there are still many unanswered questions for all sides, and we should have no fear of deeper investigation in science the data are not all in.

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The Search for Noah’s Ark

Noah’s ark has fascinated everyone—from Noah’s time to our own. From evangelicals to movie makers, from evangelists to youthful campus crusaders, the ark gets everyone’s attention.

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Science and Religion: Pursuing a Common Goal

Is there a possibility that the matter of faith and faith in matter can have some talking point? What are the aims of Christianity and those of science? Can we conceive of common goals for both? Where lies the final answer to human queries?

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An Adventist Approach to Earth Origins.

Science/religion issues are important because they have to do with ultimate realities, such as whether a supreme being is above the creation and can supernaturally intervene with events such as miracles, an Incarnation, a resurrection, a new birth, or an Advent.

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Integrating Science and Scripture: The Case of Robert Boyle

Science and Scripture are built, according to Boyle, on the same epistemological features of revelation, reason, and experience but with different relative contributions from each.

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An Adventist Approach to Earth Origins

Science/religion issues are important because they have to do with ultimate realities, with whether to "worship" the Creator or the creature (creation), with whether a supreme being is above the creation and can supernaturally intervene.

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The Moral Implications of Darwinism

When Christian ethicists reach the same conclusions as Darwinists about our obligations to our fellow humans, it’s time to do some careful thinking. God created us, and He knows the evil of which we are capable. For this reason, He instructed us to treat all humans as worthy of equal dignity and respect.

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The Earth of Genesis 1:2: Abiotic or Chaotic? Part 2

The description of t'hom in Gen 1:2 does not derive from the influence of any Ancient Near Eastern mythology but it is based on the Hebrew conception of the world which explicitly rejects the mythological notions of surrounding nations.

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The Earth of Genesis 1:2: Abiotic or Chaotic? Part 1

The concept that appears in Gen 1:2 is an abiotic concept of the earth; i.e., Gen 1:2 describes an earth in which there is no life; it presents the absence of life-vegetable, animal, and human.

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