Cliches [Today]
Cliches may convey little knowledge yet have much influence. Careful thought and study is much better than accepting unwarranted simplifications of reality. Published in Origins v. 14, n. 2.
Cliches may convey little knowledge yet have much influence. Careful thought and study is much better than accepting unwarranted simplifications of reality. Published in Origins v. 14, n. 2.
The method of DNA-DNA hybridization has been applied to the relationships of birds, with some surprising results. The method is described and the results analyzed. While the results are quite interesting, there appear to be limits to the resolution of the method, and it seems inadvisable to depend upon this method alone when studying bird relationships. Published in Origins v. 14, n. 2.
Fossil reefs from Silurian and Devonian sediments in the Great Lakes region of the United States are compared with a modern reef in Florida. The fossil reefs differ significantly from modern reefs by lacking the framework of corals that are characteristic of modern reefs. Instead, the fossil reefs look more like carbonate mud mounds. Published in Origins v. 14, n. 2.
A review of the book, The Geology of the Flood. The author advocates an age for the earth that is much longer than the biblical chronology and much shorter than the naturalistic chronology, which will make the book's position unsatisfactory to most readers. Published in Origins v. 14, n. 2.
A collection of short commentaries on scientific papers published in 1987, covering topics such as progressive creation, theistic evolution, Darwinism, and Piltdown man.
Belief in creation is far more widespread than the impression given in the mass media, and is increasingly coming to the attention of the scholarly community. The Bible and naturalistic science are both regarded as authoritative sources, and it is unlikely the conflict between them will go away soon. Published in Origins v. 14, n. 2.