A Christian Approach to Teaching Ecology . . . or is It Environmental Science?
Ecology, or environmental science, is multidisciplinary. As such, it allows ecology to be integrated with other disciplines. It also allows us to tie it to faith.
Ecology, or environmental science, is multidisciplinary. As such, it allows ecology to be integrated with other disciplines. It also allows us to tie it to faith.
Any credence given to the study of mathematics must recognize that God is the original mathematician. And though, through the ages, humankind has experimented to be able to draw conclusion in the areas of mathematics, God's laws are error-free and constant. His everlasting watch-care in the "natural" cyclic phenomena of this earth daily prove His mathematical supremacy. Galileo is remembered for having acknowledged that "mathematics is the language that God used to create the universe."
It must be emphasized that Chemistry, like any other area of scientific knowledge, is neither good nor bad, but like everything else that was marred by the entrance of sin, man's ability to manipulate his environment has led to misuse. Instead of giving in to technicism, where technology sets the agenda for life on planet Earth, the ethics of the Bible should be the basis on which we make decisions on the value of life and on the conduct of life.
We need to develop ways to foster consciousness about the environment and a willingness to participate as good stewards of creation.
What is thought to be knowledge or information can usually be divided into two separate concepts: data and interpretation. Since data is subject to alternative interpretations, researchers must carefully distinguish between the information that constitutes the collected data and the "information" derived from the data that is presented as evidence in support of an hypothesis.
This paper focuses on how values integration can be done in a mathematics classroom. Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions: 1) What are the moral, social, and spiritual values that can be integrated in mathematics teaching from an Adventist perspective? 2) How can mathematics be made interesting and relevant?
The philosophical context in which biology is presented can make an important difference in its meaning for the student. The philosophical worldview of the biblical Christian is quite different from that of the non-Christian; thus, the biology teacher may have a profound influence on the development of worldview by the student.
A review of the book, Of Pandas and People: The Central Question of BIological Origins. Published in Origins v. 19, n. 1.
Adventist colleges have long promoted a wholistic education. For this reason they have been committed to combining liberal arts and ethics. Including environmental education in this curriculum can make a significant contribution to shaping the sensitivities of young Christians.
A review of the book, The Origin of Species Revisited: The Theories of Evolution and of Abrupt Appearance. This is an attempt to meet the legal requirement that religion not be introduced into the science class by using the term "abrupt appearance" rather than a term implying a specific process such as creation or evolution. Published in Origins v. 17, n. 2.
There is a need in Christian education for an integrational approach to the study of God and nature, and Christian educators should promote the integration of faith and learning.
Belief in creation is far more widespread than the impression given in the mass media, and is increasingly coming to the attention of the scholarly community. The Bible and naturalistic science are both regarded as authoritative sources, and it is unlikely the conflict between them will go away soon. Published in Origins v. 14, n. 2.
The US Supreme Court ruled that the Louisiana law requiring schools to present evidence for creation whenever they studied evolution is unconstitutional because it requires a religious idea be taught in public schools. Published in Origins v. 14, n. 1.
The state of Louisiana has passed a law requiring that when evolution is taught in schools, creation must receive equal treatment. This law has been appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, with a ruling expected in a few months.
The Louisiana Balanced-Treatment Act, requiring that creation be taught whenever evolution is taught, was ruled unconsititutional by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and the matter has been appealed to the Supreme Court. Published in Origins v. 13, n. 1.
California has rejected the proposed science textbooks as devoting too little time to evolution, human reproduction, and environmental and ethical issues. Published in Origins v. 12, n. 2.
The state of Louisiana passed a bill requiring that evidence for creation be presented with any classroom teaching of evolution. The bill has been challenged legally, and is now scheduled for action by the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Published in Origins v. 12, n. 1.
Creationism can be structured as a biblically-based religious doctrine, or as a method for exploring the world that is open to the possibility of creation. It would be inappropriate for religious creationism to be taught in public schools, but a scientific approach that considers the possibility of a creator need not be excluded. Published in Origins v. 8, n. 2.
Is the teaching of creation in science classes of public schools unconstitutional? This question has been put to the legal test in the State of Arkansas, one of the first states in recent times to pass a creation bill (Arkansas Act 590) into law. Published in Origins v. 8, n. 1.
A bill in the Georgia state legislature mandating the teaching of creation when evolution is taught was passed in both houses of the legislature but differences in the two versions prevented it being passed into law. Supporters hope to see it passed in the next session of the legislature. Published in Origins v. 7, n. 1.