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The Puzzle of the Petrified Trees

It is unwarranted to assume a priori, as in the past that all upright petrified trees had grown in the place where they are now found. The transport of trees and their deposition in an erect stance is not as unlikely or as rare as might be expected. Upright fossil trees within the geological column are compatible with a Flood model. Actually, when all factors are considered, a catastrophe involving water and many floating trees is a more satisfactory explanation for their origin.

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Fossils and Compassion

Early in the history of paleontology, a university professor with an interest in fossils was tricked into collecting fabricated objects as fossils and published a book illustrating these false productions. As a result, Johann Beringer was ridiculed unmercifully. This is not a good example to follow. We all make mistakes, and we should show compassion when we find errors in the work of others. Published in Origins v. 19 n.2.

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Creation Holding Its Own

A recent survey shows about 9% of the population accepts the viewpoint of naturalistic evolution, about 40% accept divinely guided evolution, about 47% accept a recent creation of humans, and about 4% registered they don't know. These results are nearly the same as a similar survey taken three years before. Published in Origins v. 18, n. 2.

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When Assumptions Cease to be Assumptions

Assumptions may eventually become so widely accepted they are no longer recognized as assumptions but take the status of truth. Two examples that relate to origins are assumptions of abiogeneis and long ages. These points should not be assumed but tested if one wants to discover truth. Published in Origins v. 18, n. 1.

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Must Creation-Science Be Either Unbiblical or Unscientific?

A review of the book, Portraits of Creation: Biblical and Scientific Perspectives on the World's Formation. This is a sophisticated criticism of creation science, and some of the points should be taken to heart by creationists. However, it fails to recognize the good quality of recent creationist literature. Published in Origins v. 18, n. 1.

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Order and Chance in Nature and Scripture: Towards a Basis for Constructive Dialog

In this essay I have attempted to outline the world as it is, reality as it is perceived through the lens of science and scripture in terms of the concepts of order and chance.

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Comparison and Contrast of Scientific and Religious Paradigms and their Use

The purpose of this paper to compare and contrast scientific and religious paradigms and their communities. Similarities include the fact that it is possible to analyze both in terms of the formal components of a paradigm, that a community is essential to both traditions, and that the intersubjective testing and universality, along with data and experience, are important for "rational objectivity" in both communities.

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Does Genesis 2 Contradict Genesis 1?

One day a minister said to me, "There seems to be a contradiction between chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis. Chapter 1 tells us that God created the animals first and then created man, but chapter 2 says that God created man before the animals. How do you ex plain this difficult problem?"

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God, Nature and Learning: An Integrational Approach

There is a need in Christian education for an integrational approach to the study of God and nature, and Christian educators should promote the integration of faith and learning.

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The Successive, Corresponding Epochal Arrangement of the ‘Chronogenealogies’ of Genesis 5 and 11B in the Three Textual Traditions: LXXA, SP, and MT

The prepaternal data of Gen 5 and 11b were found to be artificial and unilaterally derivative; LXXA contained data which SP rearranged and the highly schematized MT later drew upon both LXXA and SP for its arrangement.

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The Theology of Sexuality in the Beginning: Genesis 3

The creation accounts (Gen 1-2) coupled with the portrayal of disruption and divine judgment presented in Gen 3 have been described as of seminal character and determinative for a biblical theology of human sexuality.

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The Theology of Sexuality in the Beginning: Genesis 1-2

The first two chapters of the Bible deal directly with the question of human sexuality. Not only is human sexuality presented as a basic fact of creation, but an elucidation of the nature of sexuality constitutes a central part of the Creation accounts.

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Some Notes on Translating Genesis 1:16

The translation of 1781 as the preposition "with" removes the anomaly of the stars being created on the fourth day of the creation week. It follows that the issue of the creation of the stars is not necessarily a specific topic within the horizon of the creation pericope of Gen 1:1-2:4a.

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The Longer Look

Belief in creation is far more widespread than the impression given in the mass media, and is increasingly coming to the attention of the scholarly community. The Bible and naturalistic science are both regarded as authoritative sources, and it is unlikely the conflict between them will go away soon. Published in Origins v. 14, n. 2.

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Science, A Good Place to Begin ...

Science has produced many wonders of technology and is probably the best place to start in the quest for understanding the physical world. However, it is limited in its scope, and is a bad place to end the quest. There is a realm of reality beyond the reach of science, and this realm is perhaps more important than the physical realm. Published in Origins v. 14, n. 1.

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Can Science and Religion Work Together?

The practice of science does not depend on the beliefs a scientist has about origins. Creationists are able to conduct scientific research , and may even be aided by ideas that derive from the Bible. Conflicts may arise between science and religion, but this is an indication of the need for more study. Published in Origins v. 12, n. 2.

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Evolution Defended

A review of the book, Abusing Science: The Case Against Creationism. The book gives responses to criticisms of evolutionary theory by creationists, and presents several criticisms of creation theory. Published in Origins v. 12, n. 2.

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Annotations from the Literature

A collection of short commentaries on scientifc papers published in 1983-1985, covering topics such as amino acid dating, problems in evolutionary theory, God and the New Physics, Scientists Confront Creationism, transgenic mammals, philosophy of science, and In the Minds of Men. Published in Origins v. 12, n. 2.

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Beyond Arithmetic: the Truth of Creation

Throughout the Old Testament the phrase, "the heavens and the earth," is used as the nearest Hebrew equivalent to our term, "universe."

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How Accurate is Biblical Chronology?

Thiele discovered an underlying harmony in the Biblical records that is not only internal but external as well. Once he solved these apparent discrepancies in the Biblical data, he found that the reigns of the Jewish kings matched the Assyrian chronology perfectly.

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