FREH 5-3
In study of ancient history (origins, which we cannot observe), can the role of science and naturalism differ from their role in study of processes that we can observe today?
FREH 1-1
What attitudes will foster constructive dialogue on the controversial subject of origins? This is the introductory video to a series of short films featuring Dr. Brand explaining some of the key points…
FREH 1-2
What are the two principal explanations for origins?
FREH 1-3
Can science answer all of our questions?
FREH 1-4
What does science do best? Does science have limits?
FREH 2-1
Why do scientists sometimes misinterpret their scientific evidence?
FREH 2-2
Why is it important to think and evaluate what we read or hear?
FREH 2-3
What could prevent scientists from being objective and unbiased?
FREH 3-1
If we understand the history of science, will this help us understand scientific theories?
FREH 4-1
How have philosophers of science helped us improve our understanding of science and scientists?
FREH 5-1
Is there an understandable reason why scientists, in previous centuries, moved away from belief in a Creator?
FREH 5-2
Is there a realistic alternative to naturalism’s rejection of a Creator God?
FREH 5-3
In study of ancient history (origins, which we cannot observe), can the role of science and naturalism differ from their role in study of processes that we can observe today?
FREH 5-4
Can scientists be productive in the study of the fossil record even when they do not use the presuppositions of methodological naturalism?
FREH 6-1
What is a worldview, and why is it important which worldview we choose?
FREH 6-2
Is there evidence to support the idea that God communicated knowledge to prophets?
FREH 6-3
Is there evidence that supports the reliability of the Bible?
FREH 6-4
Is there a way that the Bible can actually improve our understanding of science?
FREH 7-1
Are microevolution and macroevolution really the same process, or are they different?
FREH 7-2
If there was no Creator, what would have to happen for life to begin? This video is part of a series of short films featuring Dr. Brand explaining some of the key points made in the book Faith Reason and…
FREH 7-3
Is there any similarity between the intelligent input of information in a written sentence, and the biological instructions for making the parts of a living cell?
FREH 7-4
Which explanation for the origin of life is based on faith: abiogenesis, or creation?
FREH 7-5
What is the Intelligent Design (ID) movement?
FREH 8-1
What are the steps in the processes of microevolution and speciation?
FREH 8-2
Why do epigenetic processes imply the existence of a Designer?
FREH 9-1
Does the Bible say that microevolution is not real?
FREH 10-1
How does macroevolution seek to explain the origin of snails, butterflies, crocodiles, lions, and humans?
FREH 10-2
Why does belief in origin of all animals by macroevolution depend on faith?
FREH 10-3
What do orphan genes and junk DNA tell us about evolution?
FREH 10-4
Do all mainstream scientists agree that Darwin’s theory has strong scientific support?
FREH 10-5
Which theory has more evidence, creation or macroevolution?
FREH 10-6
Why are two more chapters on evolution in FREH? What questions remain to be answered?
FREH 11-1
Do homologies in animal anatomy or biochemistry support evolution?
FREH 11-2
If animal anatomy is poorly designed, does this demonstrate evolution?
FREH 11-3
How should we interpret apparently vestigial organs (historical remnants)?
FREH 11-4
Can we test evolution by the hierarchical organization of life?
FREH 11-5
How are phylogenetic trees constructed, and what does this tell us about evolution?
FREH 11-6
Do we know how to answer all the questions resulting from Darwin’s theory about biogeography?
FREH 11-7
If geological history was quite catastrophic, does this make it easier, or more difficult, to explain the fossil record?
FREH 11-8
Has continued search for fossil evolutionary intermediates found lots of them, as Darwin predicted?
FREH 11-9
What is the best explanation for the universe being so finely-tuned to support life?
FREH 14-1
What geological concepts do we need to know about, to understand theories of geological history and fossils?
FREH 14-2
An expanded explanation of the concepts summarized in video FREH 14-1
FREH 14-3
Are any assumptions involved in deciding how to interpret the geological record? This video is part of a series of short films featuring Dr. Brand explaining some of the key points made in the book Faith…
FREH 15-1
If a person chooses to believe the Bible, why does a millions-of-years theory of geology matter to that belief?
FREH 15-2
Is our understanding of the character of God affected by belief in theistic evolution?
FREH 16-1
What is the standard theory of geological history?
FREH 16-2
How does a biblically faithful theory of geology differ from the standard theory?
FREH 16-3
How can a global flood theory explain why fossils are in a specific sequence in the rocks?
FREH 17-1
Since some geological evidence is against a biblical explanation, and some evidence favors it, how should we respond?
FREH 17-2
Does radiometric dating give an absolute measure of geological time?
FREH 17-3
What does continental drift tell us about geological time?
FREH 18-1
Is there geological evidence that supports a short-age theory of geology? This video is part of a series of short films featuring Dr. Brand explaining some of the key points made in the book Faith Reason…
FREH 18-2
How should we make the choice between Lyell’s geology theory and a biblical theory?
FREH 18-3
What are reasons for asking why there isn’t more sedimentary rock?
FREH 18-4
How are ancient rock formations different from what happens in the modern world?
FREH 18-5
Why does bioturbation (animal burrows) raise difficult problems for standard geological theory?
FREH 18-6
Do water currents leave evidence that is important for flood geology?
FREH 18-7
Why does much of geological landscape support a catastrophic flood?
FREH 18-8
Why is it unusual to find protein preserved in fossils that are supposedly 100 million years old?
FREH 19-1
Why can a biblical worldview give a scientific researcher an advantage in that research?
FREH 19-2
s there evidence that believing in creation and the flood does not prevent successful scientific research?
FREH 20-1
Does God value our freedom of choice, even in study of origins?