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What are the "Genesis kinds?" How do we account for predators, parasites and poisonous creatures if animals originally ate plants? Aren't there limits to how much species can change? What is the taxonomic unit that best represents the originally created kinds? Can species change rapidly enough to account for present biodiversity in a relatively short time? How do we explain the genetic and molecular similarities of humans and chimpanzees? What unsolved problems about change in species are of greatest interest?
Design Dissected
David J. Galloway. 2021. John Ritchie Publishing. ISBN-13: 978-1914273018
Book review by David G. Pennington
Return of the God Hypothesis
Stephen C. Meyer. 2021. New York: HarperOne. ISBN-13: 978-0062071507
Book review by Jim Gibson
Michael Newton Keas. 2019. Intercollegiate Studies Institute. ISBN-13: 978-1610171533
Many false myths about the history and relationship of Christianity and science have entered the popular culture. This book traces seven of these myths to their origins.
The Fall of Man and the Foundations of Science
Peter Harrison, 2007. Cambridge University Press. 300 pages. ISBN-13: 978-0521117296
Book review by J. Gibson