11060 Campus Street • Loma Linda, California 92350 • 909-558-4548
The Flooded Desert
Comic book based on real geology and paleontology research on the Coconino Sandstone.
What are fossils? How are fossils formed? How long does it take to form a fossil? What information do we learn from fossils? Why is there a specific sequence of fossils in the geologic layers? Does the fossil record show a sequence of evolutionary change? Which fossils were buried by the Flood? Are there indications of global catastrophe in the fossil record? What unsolved questions about fossils are of the greatest interest?
Genesis Flood
Where did the water come from for the flood, and where did it go? How could the waters of the flood cover Mt. Everest? How could the Earth be destroyed by 40 days and 40 nights of rain? Was the flood truly worldwide? What about proposals that the biblical Flood story refers to a local flood somewhere in the Middle East? What unsolved questions about the Flood are of greatest interest?
Ice Age
Was there an Ice Age? When was the Ice Age? Why doesn't the Bible say anything about the Ice Age? What caused the Ice Age? How long did the Ice Age last? How did the Ice Age affect the plants and animals? What about other Ice Ages in the geologic column? What are the most significant unsolved questions regarding Ice Ages?
Austrian Alps
Photo gallery of features of geologic and paleontologic interest
Swiss Alps
Photo gallery of features of geologic and paleontologic interest.
A collection of original photos taken by GRI scientists, illustrating a variety of geological features
Plate Tectonics
Have the continents truly moved apart? When did the continents move apart? Does mention of the division of the earth in Genesis 10:25 refer to plate tectonics? Does Pangaea represent the pre-Flood world? How could the continents move fast enough to rearrange the whole surface of the Earth during the year of the Flood? What unsolved questions about plate tectonics are of greatest interest?
Fossils and the Flood: Exploring Lost Worlds with Science and Scripture
Paul Garner (Illustrations by Jeanne Elizabeth). 2021. New Creation. ISBN-13: 978-0999040966
Book review by Jim Gibson
Geologic Column
Explains the principle of superposition, the ordered distribution of fossils, the main subdivisions of the geologic column, and the concept of gaps and paraconformities
Faith, Reason, and Earth History - 3rd Edition
Leonard Brand and Arthur Chadwick. 2016. Andrews University Press. ISNB-13: 978-1940980119
Short videos based on this book are available here.
The New Creationism: Building Scientific Theories on a Biblical Foundation
Paul Garner. 2009. Evangelical Press USA. ISBN 13: 978-0852346921
Book review by Jim Gibson
Coming to Grips with Genesis
Terry Mortensen and Thane Urey, (Editors). 2008. Master Books. ISBN 13: 978-0890515488