11060 Campus Street • Loma Linda, California 92350 • 909-558-4548
What are fossils? How are fossils formed? How long does it take to form a fossil? What information do we learn from fossils? Why is there a specific sequence of fossils in the geologic layers? Does the fossil record show a sequence of evolutionary change? Which fossils were buried by the Flood? Are there indications of global catastrophe in the fossil record? What unsolved questions about fossils are of the greatest interest?
Carved in Stone
Timothy Clarey. 2020. Institute for Creation Research. ISBN-13: 978-1946246257
Understanding Creation
L. James Gibson and Humberto M. Rasi, (Editors). 2011. Pacific Press. ISBN-13: 978-0816324286
The New Creationism: Building Scientific Theories on a Biblical Foundation
Paul Garner. 2009. Evangelical Press USA. ISBN 13: 978-0852346921
Book review by Jim Gibson
Coming to Grips with Genesis
Terry Mortensen and Thane Urey, (Editors). 2008. Master Books. ISBN 13: 978-0890515488
Origin by Design
Harold G. Coffin, Robert H. Brown and L. James Gibson. 2005. Review & Herald Publishing Assn. ISBN-13: 978-0828017763