11060 Campus Street • Loma Linda, California 92350 • 909-558-4548
Bolivia, Land of the Dinosaurs
Creation Day 2
What are the properties of the earth's atmosphere that make it just right to sustain life?
Fossil Whales in the Desert
How many different kinds of dinosaurs were there? Are human and dinosaur fossils found together? Were there any dinosaurs on the ark? What did dinosaurs eat? Were dinosaurs warm-blooded? Did God create the dinosaurs, or are they the result of evil? Do scientists believe that birds evolved from dinosaurs? What unsolved questions about dinosaurs are of greatest interest?
A collection of original photos taken by GRI scientists, illustrating a variety of specimens and features of paleontological interest.
Ten Facts About Dinosaurs
This tri-fold brochure lists ten informative facts about dinosaurs and some resources to learn more about these fascinating animals from a biblical perspective. Prints on 8.5 x 14 inches paper.
Canadian Rocky Mountains
Fossils and the Flood: Exploring Lost Worlds with Science and Scripture
Paul Garner (Illustrations by Jeanne Elizabeth). 2021. New Creation. ISBN-13: 978-0999040966
Book review by Jim Gibson