11060 Campus Street • Loma Linda, California 92350 • 909-558-4548
Design Dissected
David J. Galloway. 2021. John Ritchie Publishing. ISBN-13: 978-1914273018
Book review by David G. Pennington
Return of the God Hypothesis
Stephen C. Meyer. 2021. New York: HarperOne. ISBN-13: 978-0062071507
Book review by Jim Gibson
Creation? Really?
Leonard R. Brand. 2019. Pacific Press. ISBN-13: 978-0816365029
A book that explores the creationist worldview in the form of a dialogue
The Scientific Approach to Evolution
Rob Stadler. 2016. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform. ISBN-13: 978-1532988097
Book review by Jim Gibson
Choose You This Day: Why It Matters What You Believe About Creation
Leonard R. Brand and Richard M. Davidson. 2013. Pacific Press. ISBN-13: 978-0816344345
The Fall of Man and the Foundations of Science
Peter Harrison, 2007. Cambridge University Press. 300 pages. ISBN-13: 978-0521117296
Book review by J. Gibson