The Big Bang, Standard Cosmological Model, and the Bible
Do modern cosmological theories provide adequate answers regarding the origins of the universe? How do they relate to the biblical picture of the origin of our world?
Do modern cosmological theories provide adequate answers regarding the origins of the universe? How do they relate to the biblical picture of the origin of our world?
The Bible does not treat natural explanation and divine intervention as mutually exclusive. Rather, it often blends these two kinds of explanations, portraying God as sovereign over nature and free to use His laws to accomplish His purposes.
Do science and theology undermine each other or support each other?
One often hears of conflict between religion and science or that creationists are anti-science. This article rejects such mindsets and presents another perspective about looking for the good even in people we may disagree with.
Historic moments in the conversation about beginnings
Adventists and creation go together like jam and bread, but things were not always this way.
We need both to believe
Nature and history acquire a grander perspective from the vantage point of the Bible, and Scripture becomes more colorful and alive with the help of natural revelation. Published on volume 26/2 of the Perspective Digest.
How do we deal with persons who don’t believe that Genesis is right about creation and the flood?
An understanding of both the strengths and the limits of science can enable us to relate to it more realistically. Published on Volume 26/1 of the Perspective Digest
This article critically examines the purported biblical evidence brought forward to support the belief that the earth is flat. Originally published in the October 2019 issue of Reflections, newsletter of the Biblical Research Institute.
Does the Big Bang Theory integrate directly with the biblical cosmogony? Should individual Christians feel intellectually obligated to adopt and defend the Big Bang Theory? Article published on Perspective Digest, v.24/4.
The denial of miracles is a recent phenomenon based on how modernity has chosen to understand the workings of nature and what is possible in it. Belief in a personal God (theism), however, argues that through God’s actions, an event that is naturally impossible can be transformed into a real historical event. This article was originally published in Perspective Digest, v. 24/2.
Why are we trying to find extraterrestrial intelligence, using our intelligence, while at the same time precluding the possibility that an intelligence was involved in the origin of our world?
A living being is more than the collection of the multitude of organic components of which it is made.
Only if Christians can be trusted in areas scientists know, will they be trusted in areas scientists don’t know.
A Christian scientist, while accepting the testimony of Scripture about God’s past intervention in Earth’s history, can still keep an open mind toward aspects of the geologic record that are unusual and different.
Can we learn more about the qualities of the Creator through the study of geology?
Because the creation of God bears undeniable evidence of its Author, there are things in nature that may reflect – even though in a very pale way – some of the characteristics of the nature of God. What follows are two analogies from physics that can serve as illustrations for aspects of the Divinity.
Toward the end of my graduate studies in organic chemistry at the University of California, Irvine, the conflict that sometimes arises between science and faith presented itself forcibly to me. The closest friend that I had in a group of about 25 people was a brilliant post-doctoral fellow from Georgia, and we decided to take a day trip to the San Diego Zoo to get away from the pressures of the University.…