Fewer Answers Than Questions
A review of the book, Rates of Evolution. Published from a symposium on evolution. Published in Origins v. 16, n. 2.
A review of the book, Rates of Evolution. Published from a symposium on evolution. Published in Origins v. 16, n. 2.
A review of the book, Darwinism: The Refutation of a Myth. Written by a developmental biologist emphasizing the inadequacy of Darwinian evolutionary theory and advocating the importance of developmental processes in evolution. Published in Origins v. 16, n. 1.
The method of DNA-DNA hybridization has been applied to the relationships of birds, with some surprising results. The method is described and the results analyzed. While the results are quite interesting, there appear to be limits to the resolution of the method, and it seems inadvisable to depend upon this method alone when studying bird relationships. Published in Origins v. 14, n. 2.
Staining of chromosomes reveals a pattern of banding that may be used for comparisons of different species. Similar species typically have similar banding patterns, although there are exceptions. Banding patterns may be interpreted as hypotheses of relationship but are not, in themselves, sufficient to settle such questions. Published in Origins v. 13, n. 1.
A review of the book, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis. Evolutionary theory faces many contrary lines of evidence and is in need of major changes. Published in Origins v. 13, n. 1.
A collection of short commentaries on scientific articles published in 1983, covering topics such as the history of Darwinism, integrity in science, evolution and thermodynamics, North American geology, Quaternary dating methods, origin of life, and the half-life of Technetium-99.
A review of the book, Abusing Science: The Case Against Creationism. The book gives responses to criticisms of evolutionary theory by creationists, and presents several criticisms of creation theory. Published in Origins v. 12, n. 2.
A collection of short commentaries on scientifc papers published in 1983-1985, covering topics such as amino acid dating, problems in evolutionary theory, God and the New Physics, Scientists Confront Creationism, transgenic mammals, philosophy of science, and In the Minds of Men. Published in Origins v. 12, n. 2.
A review of the book, The Great Evolution Mystery. Darwinism is entirely inadequate to explain evolution, so some other purely naturalistic mechanism is needed. Published in Origins v. 12, n. 1.
Species in the same family or genus may have very similar chromosomal banding patterns, but with apparent rearrangements of parts of some chromsomes. Such rearrangements may contribute to speciation in mammals by interfering with meoisis. Published in Origins v. 11, n. 2.
Review of the article, Biologists, Help! An appeal by a secular scholar for evolutionists to explain why so many fundamental suppositions of evolutionary theory are so poorly supported by the data. Published in Origins v. 5, n. 2.
A review of the book, Puncuated Equilibria: The Tempo and Mode of Evolution Reconsidered. The new theory of punctuated equilibria acknowledges the gaps in the fossil record used by creationists as evidence against evolution, and explains them as due to the nature of the speciation process. However, the new theory applies only to gaps between species, and does not help with the problem of gaps between higher taxa. Published in Origins v. 5, n. 1.
The application of the laws of physics and chemistry to the question of the origin of life poses some very basic questions and answers which are evaluated by the author. Published in Origins v. 4, n. 1.
Similarities in structure, or homologies, are what one would expect if all of life had been designed by a single Creator. Homologies are not evidence for evolution. Published in Origins v. 3, n. 2.
Several scientists have acknowledged that the evidence for evolution is deficient, and new approaches and information are needed. Published in Origins v. 3, n. 1.
Scripture gives the Christian scientist a foundation from which to begin his exploration of how the forces of evil reshaped a world created perfect. Published in Origins v. 2, n. 1.
A review of the book, Darwin Retried: An Appeal to Reason. the evidence for evolution is so weak it should not be considered a valid theory. Creation is not favored either. Published in Origins v. 1, n. 2.