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A Christian Approach to Teaching Ecology . . . or is It Environmental Science?

Ecology, or environmental science, is multidisciplinary. As such, it allows ecology to be integrated with other disciplines. It also allows us to tie it to faith.

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Creation and a Logical Faith

I don't have much faith in logic as a solution to the world's problems, but I do want a logical faith. I don't demand that my faith correspond to "scientific logic" as presently conceived, but I do expect it to be consistent throughout.

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A Natural Union

Review of the book, Scientific Theology. Published in Origins v. 24, n. 2.

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Is there Design in Nature?

As biological knowledge has increased, the argument for design has been revived and expressed in more sophisticated ways, such as the argument from “irreducible complexity.” The existence of certain features that could not survive in intermediate stages is evidence of a Designer. It is also evidence of a Designer God who created by special intervention—Creation—and not through a continuous process such as evolution.

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The Flood: Just a Local Catastrophe?

An examination of archaeological evidence, linguistics, and literary traditions shows that a local Mesopotamian river valley flood cannot adequately explain the biblical flood.

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God, the Sparrow and the Emerald Tree Boa

The seven biblical principles discussed in this article regarding the effect of sin on nature show how the Christian may discern God’s loving character in nature and also the marks of Satan’s activity.

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The Adventist Message and the Challenge of Evolution

The doctrine of Creation occupies an important place in Seventh-day Adventist message and mission. The reason for this is twofold: First, Adventists believe in a fiat Creation; and second, they are committed to the proclamation of the three angels’ message of Revelation 14.

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Habitat Responsibility: Teaching Stewardship through Chemistry

It must be emphasized that Chemistry, like any other area of scientific knowledge, is neither good nor bad, but like everything else that was marred by the entrance of sin, man's ability to manipulate his environment has led to misuse. Instead of giving in to technicism, where technology sets the agenda for life on planet Earth, the ethics of the Bible should be the basis on which we make decisions on the value of life and on the conduct of life.

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Compromised Biblical Creationism

Literature Reviews

A review of the book, Creation Compromises. Published in Origins v. 23, n. 1.

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A Descriptive Analysis of Creation Concepts and Themes in the Book of the Psalms

This descriptive analysis provides a comprehensive and wholistic view of Creation in the Book of Psalms.

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Cracks in the Evolutionary Facade

Darwin's theory is in crisis. The academic ball is in its court. What will the Adventist ministry speak in response? The general community, for the time being at least, is listening.

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Biblical Evidence for the Universality of the Flood

A review of the nature and characteristics of the Genesis text leads to the conclusion that the biblical flood was global in extent. Published in Origins v. 21, n. 2.

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In the Beginning: How to Interpret Genesis 1

An analysis of Genesis chapter 1 is not as simple and straightforward as a casual reading of the biblical text may suggest. Modern interpretation of biblical cosmogony (understanding of origins) in Genesis 1 is extremely complicated, divided between the non-literal and the literal. We will briefly describe seven such interpretations, and evaluate each in the light of the biblical data.

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Expanding the Garden: A Christian’s View of Nature

We need to develop ways to foster consciousness about the environment and a willingness to participate as good stewards of creation.

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Inspiration, the Natural Sciences, and a Window of Opportunity?

Now is the time to tremble at the words of the God of Israel, particularly in the creation and flood narratives, and not to tremble at the words of Darwin, whose theory is in crisis.

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The Great Reversal: Thematic Links Between Genesis 2 and 3

A structural study of Genesis chapters 2 and 3 reveals the presence of a chiasm in the narrative and strongly suggests the unity of the story as argued by scholars.

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Feminists, Ecology, and the Sabbath

Ecofeminism enlivens and challenges Adventist spirituality to embody justice and empower others; challenge dualism and recenter humanity within creation and God's presence.

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Death Before the Sin of Adam: a Fundamental Concept in Theistic Evolution and its Implications for Evangelical Theology

For theistic evolution, a long history of death preceded the appearance of Adam, implying that death is not connected to Adam's sin. The purpose of the dissertation is to discover how this latter notion impacts evangelical theology with respect to the atonement and other areas in terms of possible theological implications.

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The “Days" of Creation in Genesis 1: Literal or Figurative?

The question of whether the six days of creation were actual 24-hour periods of time or only symbolic representations of millions of years has been debated for centuries. During the past century and a half, with recognition of the theory of evolution and its vast eons of time, the matter has been under more serious scrutiny. Published in Origins v. 21, n. 1.

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Resurrection of the World

Survival on earth seems bleak as the environmental crisis worsens. Amidst the destruction, how should Adventists respond to the environmental crisis? Creation and incarnation dominate Christian understandings of ecology. However, I think that a third theological theme, the Resurrection, best illuminates the relationship of Christianity to the environment.

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