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Searching for the Creator through the Study of a Bacterium

As a scientist, I frequently find myself taking a polemic stance in defense of creationism. In doing this, I easily lose sight nature as a revealer of its Creator. It is a pleasant change to contemplate my field of scientific interest, looking for insight about the Creator.

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Can We Find a Message in the Pattern of Life?

Review of the book, The Biotic Message: Evolution Versus Message Theory. Published in Origins v. 24, n. 1.

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Is there Design in Nature?

As biological knowledge has increased, the argument for design has been revived and expressed in more sophisticated ways, such as the argument from “irreducible complexity.” The existence of certain features that could not survive in intermediate stages is evidence of a Designer. It is also evidence of a Designer God who created by special intervention—Creation—and not through a continuous process such as evolution.

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God, the Sparrow and the Emerald Tree Boa

The seven biblical principles discussed in this article regarding the effect of sin on nature show how the Christian may discern God’s loving character in nature and also the marks of Satan’s activity.

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Habitat Responsibility: Teaching Stewardship through Chemistry

It must be emphasized that Chemistry, like any other area of scientific knowledge, is neither good nor bad, but like everything else that was marred by the entrance of sin, man's ability to manipulate his environment has led to misuse. Instead of giving in to technicism, where technology sets the agenda for life on planet Earth, the ethics of the Bible should be the basis on which we make decisions on the value of life and on the conduct of life.

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Annotations from the Literature

A collection of short commentaries on scientific papers published in 1993-1994, covering such topics as parasite degeneration, convergence in diapsid reptiles, induced neoteny, genetic code, directed mutation in bacteria, radiohalos in a diamond, coelacanth phylogeny, marsupial phylogeny, origin of life, and fossil change in Jurassic rocks. Published in Origins v. 22, n. 1.

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Expanding the Garden: A Christian’s View of Nature

We need to develop ways to foster consciousness about the environment and a willingness to participate as good stewards of creation.

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Feminists, Ecology, and the Sabbath

Ecofeminism enlivens and challenges Adventist spirituality to embody justice and empower others; challenge dualism and recenter humanity within creation and God's presence.

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Resurrection of the World

Survival on earth seems bleak as the environmental crisis worsens. Amidst the destruction, how should Adventists respond to the environmental crisis? Creation and incarnation dominate Christian understandings of ecology. However, I think that a third theological theme, the Resurrection, best illuminates the relationship of Christianity to the environment.

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Adventists and the Good Earth

If we take the view that we are transients in an alien community, then our interest in the long-term welfare of the community will tend to be limited. If we see ourselves as fully embedded in a complex web of life, as an integral part of God's creation, and as responsible stewards of that creation, then our response to challenges such as the environmental issue will take on a distinctly different character.

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Annotations from the Literature

A collection of short commentaries on scientific papers published in 1991, covering topics such as Permian trees, molecular genetics, epigenetics, inheritance of paternal mtDNA, water and formation of petroleum, water in mantle rocks, impacts, Ordovician volcanism, molecular phylogenies of ratites, termites, cichlids and sabertooths, osteocalcin in dinosaur bones, fossil flowers, origin of life, Precambrian predation, stromatolites, Cambrian Explosion, quality of fossil record, rapid speciation, tree biogeography, Miocene ape, fossil dermopteran, Asian marsupial, dinosaurs, mammal-like reptile. Published in Origins v. 19, n. 2.

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Environmental Education: Teaching Stewardship to College Students

Adventist colleges have long promoted a wholistic education. For this reason they have been committed to combining liberal arts and ethics. Including environmental education in this curriculum can make a significant contribution to shaping the sensitivities of young Christians.

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Which Vertebrates Make Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is important in vertebrate physiology, but is acquired in different ways. Some mammals and perching birds do not synthesize it and must get it in their diet. Most other mammals and birds synthesize vitamin C, in their kidneys, the livers, or both. The pattern of synthesizing sometimes follows taxonomic patterns and sometimes not. Published in Origins v. 12, n. 2.

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The Disregard for Discards

Some prominent scientists had educators have declared that creation has failed the test of science and has to be discarded. However, ideas that have been discarded are sometimes found to be true. Creation should not be discarded, because there is no better explanation for design in nature and the origin of life. Published in Origins v. 12, n. 1.

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Let the Wilderness be Glad?: The Apocalypse and the Environment

Because we are promised an earth made new, do we have the right to hasten the death of this one? In the years since college my questions have become more acute as I have learned about specific threats to the environment.

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Temperature Regulation in Tetrapod Vertebrates: Ectotherms vs. Endotherms

Animals with high metabolic rates (birds and mammals) are capable of greater work output (speed, etc) but are restricted in size and shape in order to avoid losing too much body heat. Reptiles and amphibians have lower metabolic rates, and can survive at much smaller sizes and elongated shapes than birds or mammals. This is interpreted as a result of design for a diverse ecosystem. Published in Origins v. 9, n. 2.

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The “Australian Problem”

A review of the book, Ecological Biogeography of Australia. An exhaustive review of the geology, flora nad fauna of Australia. Published in Origins v. 8, n. 2.

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Beyond Design

Creationists who want to use the scientific method need to develop and test theories based on creation, and not to be satisfied merely to show that some phenomenon is designed. Published in Origins v. 7, n. 1.

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Coral Reef Growth

Coral reefs take time to grow, and some have questioned whether certain coral reefs could have grown to their present size in the time since the Flood. Evidence reported here indicates that rates of coral reef growth are quite variable, depending on water temperature, carbonate concentration, and depth. At the surface, ultraviolet light inhibits coral growth, so surficial measurements of coral growth are not a good basis for estimating rates of growth. Under ideal conditions, coral is capable of growing fast enough to produce present coral reefs in the time since the Flood. Published in Origins v. 6, n. 2.

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Is a Yak a Buffalo?

A review of the book, Variation and Fixity in Nature. The nature of created kinds (baramins) is discussed and evaluated. Published in Origins v. 4, n. 2.

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