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The Creation Account in Genesis 1: Our World Only or the Universe?

The purpose of this paper is to discover whether the creation week as portrayed in Genesis 1 concerns only this world or the creation of the whole universe. To accomplish this purpose, we will examine contextually Genesis 1 and some of its significant wordings.

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Light on the First Day of Creation

The Genesis story refutes the worship of nature, including the popular sun-god. Light and the daily cycle were created by God and are dependent on Him. Later in the Creation week, God gave these responsibilities in the heavens to the sun and the moon, just as He passed on to human beings the responsibility for stewardship of the earth, its natural cover, and its creatures.

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The Garden of Eden Account: The Chiastic Structure of Genesis 2-3

The literary analyses performed in this study provide evidence of the deep unity of the Hebrew text of Gen 2-3, both in its literary structure and in its though content. The antithetical chiastic microstructures and the parallel panel microstructures demonstrate that the GEA of Gen 2-3 comprises one literary unity.

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A Mechanism for Rapid Change?

The idea that species have changed since the creation is implicit in creation theory. The extent of change is limited, but the rate of change can be quite rapid. Creationists should not be criticized for believing in fixity of species, because (limited) change in species has been incorporated into modern creation theory. Published in Origins n. 54.

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Literature reviews: Creation Reconsidered

A review of the book, Creation Reconsidered: Scientific, Biblical and Theological Perspectives. Published in Origins n. 54.

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The “Seed” in Genesis 3:15: An Exegetical and Intertextual Study

This dissertation analyzes Gen 3:15 exegetically, intratextually, and intertextually, tracing the meaning of this "seed" in Genesis, the rest of the Old Testament, and New Testament.

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The Sabbath in the First Creation Account

The seventh day of the week, the Sabbath, plays a dominant role in the first Creation story, and the purpose of this article is to clarify major issues related to that fact.

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Linguistic and Thematic Parallels Between Genesis 1 and 3

A superficial glance may give the impression that there are no points of correspondence between Genesis 1 and 3. However, a deeper and more exhaustive analysis from linguistic, literary, and thematic perspectives reveals that there are indeed significant similarities between these two chapters.

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Genesis 9:1-7: Its Theological Connects with the Creation Motif

It is this writer’s desire to demonstrate the theological connections between the events after the flood and the Creation motif.

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The Documentary Hypothesis

The purpose of this paper is to present a brief historical sketch concerning the authorship of the Pentateuch, explain and evaluate the documentary hypothesis, and set forth some suggestions as to how Christians who take the Bible seriously should view this matter of pentateuchal composition.

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The Theological Value of the Creation Account

Even while Genesis 1 and 2 remind us of God's perfect creation of long ago, it holds out the hope of a new creation, a world restored to its original perfection and beauty and harmony.

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Divine Accommodation and Biblical Creation: Calvin Vs McGrath

In two recent publications, Alister McGrath cites John Calvin in support of divine accommodation in a theory of origins. In order to evaluate the validity of McGrath's use of Calvin, it is necessary, first, to look briefly at the concept of divine accommodation and its use as a hermeneutical tool.

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Can We Believe in Miracles?

In the Gospels, faith is both the preparation for and the product of Jesus’ miracles. The resurrection of Jesus is, of course, the supreme miracle of the gospel and is indeed the basis of Christianity. The grounds for believing in it are cogent, but no amount of evidence can convince those who at the outset assume the impossibility of such an event.

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Rivers out of Eden

Four rivers are described in Genesis as flowing out of Eden. These rivers are unusual in that the diverge from each other rather than converging as modern rivers do. The explanation may be that they were designed to function in watering the earth, much as canals do today. Published in Origins n. 51.

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The Hebrew Term ’ed in Gen 2,6 and Its Connection in Ancient Near Eastern Literature

An etymological, phonetic, philological, syntactical, grammatical, contextual, and conceptual study of the Hebrew word Ed, concluding that it is to be understood as “mist/dew" which arose from below, in a way that was distinct from normal rainfall from above, from river inundation, canal irrigation and other current proposals.

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The First Week: A Believing Scientist Reads Genesis 1

The story of our origins is a vital part of our understanding of ourselves and our world. Although many details of creation are not well understood, the Genesis story of origins provides the logical foundation for the gospel. Both science and Scripture contain many mysteries, but we can see enough to understand that the creation is the result of intentional, supernatural action by a loving Creator, and we can share this good news with others.

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Biblical Approaches to Biology

The integration of Bible and science is an uphill work that requires careful reading of both the Bible and of scientific data. Because no other natural science has traveled so great a distance down an anti-biblical road, no other science requires this corrective procedure more than biology.

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A Biblical Theology of the Flood

The question of the extent of the Genesis flood is not just a matter of idle curiosity with little at stake for Christian faith. For those who see the days of creation in Genesis 1 as six, literal 24 hour days , a universal Flood is an absolute necessity to explain the existence of the geological column. A literal creation week is inextricably linked with a world-wide flood.

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A Biblical Theology of Creation

A biblical theology of Creation is summarized in the four basics of reality contained in Genesis 1:1: "In the beginning," "God," "created," and "the heavens and the earth."

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Science and Theology: Focusing the Complementary Lights of Jesus, Scripture, and Nature

The purpose of this study is to explore the complex relations between science and theology and to suggest a viable solution to this group of problems.

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