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An Interventionist Theory of Natural Selection and Biological Change within Limits

This paper proposes that mutation and natural selection can produce biological change, but are not sufficient to explain the origins of biodiversity and complexity. Instead, the authors argue that genetic complexity is the result of intelligent design, and was at a maximum when life on Earth first came into being. Published in Origins v. 20, n. 2.

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Fossils and Compassion

Early in the history of paleontology, a university professor with an interest in fossils was tricked into collecting fabricated objects as fossils and published a book illustrating these false productions. As a result, Johann Beringer was ridiculed unmercifully. This is not a good example to follow. We all make mistakes, and we should show compassion when we find errors in the work of others. Published in Origins v. 19 n.2.

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Must Creation-Science Be Either Unbiblical or Unscientific?

A review of the book, Portraits of Creation: Biblical and Scientific Perspectives on the World's Formation. This is a sophisticated criticism of creation science, and some of the points should be taken to heart by creationists. However, it fails to recognize the good quality of recent creationist literature. Published in Origins v. 18, n. 1.

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Creationists Challenge Creationists

Disagreements among creationists can lead to better understanding and improvement in creation thinking, and should not be ignored or regarded as an embarrassment. Creationists learn the same way as everyone else, and disputations are expected in the search for truth. Published in Origins v. 15, n. 1.

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Working on the Flood

A review of the book, The Geology of the Flood. The author advocates an age for the earth that is much longer than the biblical chronology and much shorter than the naturalistic chronology, which will make the book's position unsatisfactory to most readers. Published in Origins v. 14, n. 2.

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The U.S. Supreme Court Rules Against Creation-Science

The US Supreme Court ruled that the Louisiana law requiring schools to present evidence for creation whenever they studied evolution is unconstitutional because it requires a religious idea be taught in public schools. Published in Origins v. 14, n. 1.

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Can Science and Religion Work Together?

The practice of science does not depend on the beliefs a scientist has about origins. Creationists are able to conduct scientific research , and may even be aided by ideas that derive from the Bible. Conflicts may arise between science and religion, but this is an indication of the need for more study. Published in Origins v. 12, n. 2.

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Evolution Defended

A review of the book, Abusing Science: The Case Against Creationism. The book gives responses to criticisms of evolutionary theory by creationists, and presents several criticisms of creation theory. Published in Origins v. 12, n. 2.

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Annotations from the Literature

A collection of short commentaries on scientifc papers published in 1983-1985, covering topics such as amino acid dating, problems in evolutionary theory, God and the New Physics, Scientists Confront Creationism, transgenic mammals, philosophy of science, and In the Minds of Men. Published in Origins v. 12, n. 2.

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The Louisiana Balanced-Treatment Act

The state of Louisiana passed a bill requiring that evidence for creation be presented with any classroom teaching of evolution. The bill has been challenged legally, and is now scheduled for action by the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Published in Origins v. 12, n. 1.

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Are Millions of Years Required to Produce Biogenic Sediments in the Deep Ocean?

The ocean floor is largely covered with a layer of sediments derived from the remnants of dead organisms, such as the "shells" of foraminifera. At present, these accumulate too slowly to account for the depth of sediments in a few thousand years. However, a catastrophic flood would provide difference conditions with very large amounts of nutrients and the opportunity for rapid growth of these organisms. More data are needed to analyze the situation more satisfactorily. Published in Origins v. 12, n. 1.

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Is Creation Scientific?

Evolutionists commonly claim creation is unscientific and should be excluded from science. However, scientists study phenomena for which the mechanism is not known, science itself is not clearly defined, and evolutionists use science to try to disprove creation. These points suggest the agenda driving opposition to creation is more philosophical than scientific. Published in Origins v. 11, n. 2.

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Life, an Evidence for Creation

Life is a property of precisely ordered biopolymers maintaining a non-equilibrium state. The ordering requires information, and this, with the chemical state of non-equilibrium, are conditions not available to natural processes, and point to the existence of a Creator. Published in Origins v. 11, n. 2.

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Geomagnetic Intensity Decay: The Fit of the Data

A review of Chapters 3 and 4 in the book, Scientists Confront Creationism. Creationism is roundly criticized for poor arguments. Published in Origins v. 11, n. 2.

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Young’s Old Earth

A review of the book, Christianity and the Age of the Earth. The book presents a biased viewpoint against recent creation, but does point out some serious challenges that confront recent creationists. Published in Origins v 10, n. 1.

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Stratigraphic Distribution of Vertebrate Fossil Footprints Compared with Body Fossils

Bird and mammal footprints are most common in the same stratigraphic intervals where their body fossils are common. However, reptile and amphibian tracks are more common in stratigraphic layers lower than their body fossils. Published in Origins v. 9, n. 2.

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Historical Development of the Current Understanding of the Geologic Column: Part II

the basic framework of the geologic column was founded by men with respect for Scripture, who, although not holding to conservative interpretations, opposed organic evolution. Published in Origins v. 9, n. 1.

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Climatic Changes and Changes in Populations

Climates have changed signficantly over time, resulting in movements of humans and other species. Published in Origins v. 9, n. 1.

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Scientific Creationism?

Creationism can be structured as a biblically-based religious doctrine, or as a method for exploring the world that is open to the possibility of creation. It would be inappropriate for religious creationism to be taught in public schools, but a scientific approach that considers the possibility of a creator need not be excluded. Published in Origins v. 8, n. 2.

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Historical Development of the Current Understanding of the Geologic Column: Part I

The crucial questions on the relationship of Genesis and geology, of religion and geological science nearly all hinge in some way on one's understanding of the meaning and significance of the geologic column. It is important, therefore, to understand something of its origin as a system. Published in Origins v. 8, n. 2.

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