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The Use of Science in Theology: Case Studies of Langdon B. Gilkey and Thomas A. Torrance

In response to the postmodern shift, Torrance proposes a Christocentric-dialogical model for the use of science in theology while Gilkey proposes a cosmocentric-dialectical model. There is comparison and contrast between the models in each area evaluated in this study.

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Jesus: God’s Agent of Creation

One aspect of the person and work of Jesus Christ that has not been explored adequately is the work of the preincarnate Logos in the creation of the earth and universe. This study is an attempt to stimulate discussion relating to a biblical understanding of the work of Jesus in creation.

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A New Look at the Genesis 5 and 11 Fluidity Problem

Since the nineteenth century, OT scholars have generally expressed the opinion that the genealogies in Gen 5 and 11 contain generational and chronological gaps and thus cannot be used, as James Ussher did, for chronological purposes. Such a view, however, is troubling to some scholars, mostly young-earth creationists, who insist that Gen 5 and 11 clearly present a continuous and no-gap genealogy.

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The Genesis Flood Narrative: Crucial Issues in the Current Debate

The purpose of this article is to examine major interrelated issues that are present in current discussions about the biblical Flood narrative of Gen 6-9.

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Creation: The Foundational Importance of Scripture as Revelation

Did God create the world and its environs in six days or did He use a natural process through billions of years? Two studies help to answer this question: an examination of methodological naturalism in the light of recent contributions made by the Intelligent Design movement and an examination of Scripture as revelation.

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Evolution, Theology and Method: Part 3: Evolution and Adventist Theology

Revelation, rather than reason, is the source of explanation and truth for those who believe in God and his revelation in Scripture. The Bible's words and inner logic, however, still need interpretation. That is why we need to place all Christian theologies, including Adventist theologies, under careful methodological criticism to make certain we understand biblical thinking on its own terms and not from hermeneutical presuppositions defined by philosophy, science, and culture. Only then can we say in practice that the Bible is the foundation of truth.

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Creation and Apocalypse

Revelation’s vibrant and sustained confession of God as Creator reveals a highly reflective consciousness of God that elicits both worship and moral response. His Creation, sovereignty, life and self-existence, holiness, throne, righteous acts, justice, and transcendence presuppose the Genesis narrative.

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Creation in the New Testament

In this paper we will take a look at the NT references to creation, discuss the contribution of Jesus and his disciples to the theology of creation, and draw some conclusions for our present situation.

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Faith-Science Issues: An Epistemological Perspective

The fundamental issue in the debate between theistic evolution and special creation is the question of authority and knowledge. How do I know what I know, and upon what foundation is it possible for me to have an understanding of the world in which I live?

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The Genesis Creation Story: Text, Issues and truth

This paper examines exegetically the Hebrew text of the biblical Creation story, paying close attention to its sounds, rhythm, words, syntax, literary structure in relation to its parallel text, and its literary genre and style, without ignoring its literary extrabiblical environment. Published in Origins n. 55.

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Literature reviews: Finding Darwin’s God

A review of the book, Finding Darwin's God: A Scientist's Search for Common Ground Between God and Evolution. Published in Origins n. 55.

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Geological Records and Genesis Time Frame

We have much study to do before we will truly understand how to fit together all the evidence into a coherent picture. But I as a Christian and a scientist find a three-step process helpful: trust God's communication to us in Scripture; study carefully and seek to recognize human ideas that we have incorrectly read in between the lines in Scripture; and follow up with careful scientific work.

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Is All Death a Consequence of Sin? Theological Implications of Alternative Models

Did physical death in all its forms, death in the animal kingdom, for example, come into the world exclusively as a result of the fall of man? Was there any kind of death on earth before the sin of Adam?

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Evolution, Theology and Method: Part 1: Outline and Limits of Scientific Methodology

The creation-evolution debate generally takes place at the level of conclusion without taking into account the nature of the processes through which theologians and scientists arrive at their respective beliefs.

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Evolution, Theology and Method: Part 2: Scientific Method and Evolution

Is the epistemological certainty of evolutionary theory so absolute that Christian theologians should feel rationally compelled to accept its conclusions even if they explicitly contradict the teachings of biblical revelation on the origin of life on our planet?

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The Sabbath and Genesis 2:1-3

There is general agreement that the weekly Sabbath is at least partly in view in Gen 2:l-3. The more controverted point is whether it is presented as a Creation ordinance, i.e., as something commanded for human beings to keep from the beginning of human history.

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Where Did the Light on the First Day of Creation Week Come From?

Davidson, R. M. (2003). , Perspective Digest, 8(2), 60-62.

Theologians have given a number of answers. In this short article, Dr. Davidson discusses five. Published on Perspective Digest 8, no. 2 (2003): 60–62.

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Living with Confidence Despite Some Open Questions: Upholding the Biblical Truth of Creation Amidst Theological Pluralism

First we will briefly look at the role creation plays in Scripture and its significance to biblical faith. We will then consider the relationship between faith and natural science before pointing out some aspects that can help us, I trust, to live confidently despite some open questions and to uphold the biblical truth of creation amidst theological pluralism.

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The Biblical Account of Origins

In this paper we will take up each element of the creation story in turn, with special emphasis upon the “when” and aspects of the other elements that impinge upon the relationship between Scripture and science.

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Basic Issues Between Science and Scripture: Theological Implications of Alternative Models and the Necessary Basis for the Sabbath in Genesis 1-2

This paper divides into four sections: (1) Some problems facing evolutionists and biblical creationists. (2) Alternate models for creation held by Bible believing scholars, including views held by some Seventh-day Adventist scholars. (3) The biblical record of creation with a literal week as a necessary basis for Sabbath-keeping. (4) The biblical meaning of the Sabbath as unfolded in biblical history, with its solid basis in the creation account.

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