The Age Dating of Biological Materials
Dates based on amino-acid racemization and uranium radioactive decay were quite different, with preference given to the radiometric dates. Published in Origins v. 8, n. 1.
Dates based on amino-acid racemization and uranium radioactive decay were quite different, with preference given to the radiometric dates. Published in Origins v. 8, n. 1.
A number of factors could affect the relation of C-14 concentration to real time. The author discusses the effects on C-14 dates of cosmic ray intensity, geomagnetic field strength, water vapor concentration, and dilution by the biosphere carbon. Published in Origins v. 6, n. 1.
A review of the book, Principles of Isotope Geology. This is an authoritative textbook on radioisotope dating that provides useful background information, regardless of philosophical persuasion. Published in Origins v. 6, n. 1.
Radiometric dates are subject to uncertainties due to the assumptions inherent in the method and to the effects of non-natural changes in the earth's crust on the third day of creation and during the biblical Flood. Published in Origins v. 4, n. 2.
Tektites are formed from molten target rocks by an extraterrestrial impact. Australian tektites dated at about 700,000 years are found resting on soil dating less than 10,000 years old. This discrepancy is unresolved at present, and provides an opportunity for further research that could be very significant for the question of radiometric dating. Published in Origins v. 4, n. 2.
Claimed correlation of C-14 ages with depth is not a sound argument for the accuracy of C-14 dates because in the great majority of cases, a linear relationship between depth and C-14 concentration does not exist. Published in Origins v. 2, n. 1.
A review of the article, Non-Poisson Distributions Observed During Counting of Certain Carbon-14-Labelled Organic (Sub)Mono-Layers.Small anomalies in counting C-14 disintegrations are probably explained by the experimental conditions and do not offer help for reducing the chronology based on C-14. Published in Origins v. 1, n. 2.