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The Age of Fossils

Frequently press reports describe the finding of bones and fossils of animals that existed millions of years ago. As a Bible-believing Christian and a creationist, my impression is that they can’t be that old. But I’m not sure. How can scientists determine the age of those specimens? How reliable are their dates?

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Fossil Patterns: A Classification and Evaluation

One of the most interesting challenges in understanding Earth history is explanation of the order in the fossil record. Study of fossil patterns and trends should help improve our understanding of the underlying processes. Published in Origins v. 23, n. 2.

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Annotations From the Literature

A collection of short commentaries of scientific papers published in 1996, covering topics such as biogeography, Milankovitch cycles, turtles, degeneration by mutation, fossil sharks, fossil bird, ichthyosaurs, speciation rates in cichlid fish, plate tectonic anomaly. Published in Origins v. 23, n. 2.

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Fossil Reefs and Time

Ancient fossil reefs are considered to be a challenge to the biblical concept of creation. But do these fossil reefs really negate the biblical account of beginnings? Published in Origins v. 21, n. 2.

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Footprints in the Sands of Time

Coconino Sandstone research has demonstrated how catastrophists can use their theory to develop specific hypotheses about a geologic feature (the Coconino Sandstone), and successfully carry out scientific research to test that hypothesis. This is one criteria that science used to determine the scientific value of any theory.

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Incomplete Ecosystems

The fact that animals need plants poses a problem for the evolutionary model, since the record of past life sometimes reveals non-viable ecosystems. Published in Origins v. 21, n. 1.

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The Santana Formation

The unnatural mixture and the rapid stratigraphic shifts of fauna seem to require catastrophic water transport into the area. The large geographic extent precludes a local event. Creationists suggest that a world-wide flood could produce results as seen in the Santana Formation and is a better explanatory model.

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A Catastrophe With an Impact

Geologic features of the KT boundary present interesting evidence relating to possible causes of the mass extinction. The widespread existence of the boundary clay has been interpreted as evidence for a worldwide event at the boundary. Published in Origins v. 17, n. 1.

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Punc Eq Creation Style

Most punctuated equilibria theories explain why proposed exceptions tend to be in the Upper Cenozoic. Punq Eq Creation Style, however, not only predicts the stasis and abrupt appearance of species, but it also predicts that exceptions will be found in the Upper Cenozoic among forminifera. Because of its greater explanatory power, PECS teoyr is superior to other PE theories. Published in Origins v. 16, n. 1.

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Foraminifers in the Fossil Record: Implications for an Ecological Zonation Model

Foraminifers exemplify many of the problems of fitting the fossil record into a short chronology, including thousands of named species and apparent evolutionary sequences. Any short-time creationist model must be able to explain these features. Published in Origins v. 15, n. 1.

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Precambrian Pollen in the Grand Canyon

In the early sixties, Clifford Burdick claimed to have discovered pollen of modern plant in Precambrian rocks. Dr. Chadwick has not been able to confirm Burdick's findings, however, he does point out that this type of irregularity has been reported by several traditional geologists and that these findings pose a challenge to one of evolution's fundamental tenets.

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Dinosaur Tracks and Giant Men

The Glen Rose region of the Paluxy River does not provide good evidence for the past existence of giant men, nor does it provide evidence for the coexistence of such men and the giant dinosaurs. Published in Origins v. 2, n. 2.

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