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Videos > 2018 Creation Sabbath Film - Heart of the Universe - International Versions

The Creation Sabbath film for 2018 is "The Heart of the Universe." This film uses CGI to cover the central elements from beginning to end of the Great Controversy that rages on our earth between Christ and Satan. And it does this in just six and a half minutes. The Heart of the Universe is designed for showing in churches and sharing on social media. It was produced by Dr. Noemi Duran, Geoscience Research Institute European Office Director, and Daniel López, a Swiss media producer based in Spain. The Heart of the Universe is available in multiple languages, and virtual environments created for each day of creation can be explored using a computer, smartphone or virtual reality glasses by going to: https://roundme.com/tour/314015/view/1027430 This album has international versions with narration and subtitles in multiple languages.